Sunday, March 9, 2014

Game of Thrones Starks are Hard to Kill... right...... *GOT Spoilers*

Game of Thrones Spoilers!!!!!

*Scroll if you don't care*

I saw this meme," You Starks are hard to kill" and I decided to make a chart of their current status... it's not looking good for them!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

My Video Making Obsession Has Moved From Stargate To Doctor Who

I made like 4000000 videos for Stargate and posted them here so now I'm like, "Hey! I love Doctor Who too! LETS MAKE VIDEOS!" So obviously I thought to post them here! WEEEE! If you read this and enjoy Doctor Who, then go for it! Watch the videos. If you don't want to........ that's okay too.........

Rose & 9

Rose & 10
There is always one video that's like, "MUHAHAHA I'm not going to work! But if you care enough you can see the link.

River & Doctor (One Song: Spaceman)

River & Doctor (Other Song: 50 Ways to Say Goodbye)

Clara & Doctor (One Song: Starlight)

Clara and Doctor (Other Song: I Walk Beside You)

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Game of Thrones Gifs (Spoilers!)

Oh man this is cool! But hey, Game of Thrones spoilers! It's Game of Thrones characters last words (from the show). I WISH I knew where I found this but I've had it in my drafts for so long since I meant to post it but I have since forgotten the source so if anyone finds it let me know so credit can go where it is due. So I have been writing these words so that you have time to turn back if you want before you see who has died since some main characters are on here but if you already know IT'S SO COOL!  I Never even thought to think of this! So enough you've had time to turn back. Enjoy what I found! GAME OF THRONES RULES!


Friday, September 20, 2013

Sick Days

I am sick, let's start there. No one likes sick people. We suck, we cough everywhere, and we are all downers... but it goes away and then we are great people again. I guess that's why two of my teachers won't respond to my emails and I'm going to fall behind. I guess that's why my family wants to stay away from me, because I'm sick even though I have been alone for the better part of a week. My friends... well there aren't many of those so they don't actually even know I'm sick. But when I'm healthy they all take naps and ditch our plans. Like, you'd think I was referencing one person in particular, but at least 3 of my 4 friends do that regularly. One of them just won't even answer me.  So I guess maybe I need to do that homework I don't know if I have because my teacher won't respond. 
(PS: I sound really angry, but that's just my sickness and my terribly placed monthly nightmare that's making me hostile. I generally love everyone but since I can't post anything this long on twitter I figured I might as well tell you all my sob story about being sick.)

Sunday, September 15, 2013


My three year old student told me he loved my shirt and that I looked like a yellow polka dotted unicorn. Compliment? Absolutely!

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Back & Better Than Ever!

Okay! So school is back in session, I start work this week, I FINALLY got my liscence, and I'm already stressed out with homework! I'M BACK!!!!! Sometimes summer is just too relaxing... NOT! I know, I'm excited for this semester too! But this is my first time teaching two different subjects while taking 6 classes! Plate=FULL (but satisfied!)

Monday, July 29, 2013

Summer Fun

Sorry, I've been a bit busy enjoying the relaxing-ness of summer so I haven't been posting anything from my brain recently.

 I'll bet you $100 that when I get back to school and need to distract myself from all the classes I'm taking I'll be back here with my brain randomness!

 Rock on!