Thursday, November 14, 2013
Game of Thrones Gifs (Spoilers!)
Oh man this is cool! But hey, Game of Thrones spoilers! It's Game of Thrones characters last words (from the show). I WISH I knew where I found this but I've had it in my drafts for so long since I meant to post it but I have since forgotten the source so if anyone finds it let me know so credit can go where it is due. So I have been writing these words so that you have time to turn back if you want before you see who has died since some main characters are on here but if you already know IT'S SO COOL! I Never even thought to think of this! So enough you've had time to turn back. Enjoy what I found! GAME OF THRONES RULES!

Friday, September 20, 2013
Sick Days
I am sick, let's start there. No one likes sick people. We suck, we cough everywhere, and we are all downers... but it goes away and then we are great people again. I guess that's why two of my teachers won't respond to my emails and I'm going to fall behind. I guess that's why my family wants to stay away from me, because I'm sick even though I have been alone for the better part of a week. My friends... well there aren't many of those so they don't actually even know I'm sick. But when I'm healthy they all take naps and ditch our plans. Like, you'd think I was referencing one person in particular, but at least 3 of my 4 friends do that regularly. One of them just won't even answer me. So I guess maybe I need to do that homework I don't know if I have because my teacher won't respond.
(PS: I sound really angry, but that's just my sickness and my terribly placed monthly nightmare that's making me hostile. I generally love everyone but since I can't post anything this long on twitter I figured I might as well tell you all my sob story about being sick.)
Sunday, September 15, 2013
My three year old student told me he loved my shirt and that I looked like a yellow polka dotted unicorn. Compliment? Absolutely!
Sunday, September 8, 2013
Back & Better Than Ever!
Okay! So school is back in session, I start work this week, I FINALLY got my liscence, and I'm already stressed out with homework! I'M BACK!!!!! Sometimes summer is just too relaxing... NOT! I know, I'm excited for this semester too! But this is my first time teaching two different subjects while taking 6 classes! Plate=FULL (but satisfied!)
Monday, July 29, 2013
Summer Fun
Sorry, I've been a bit busy enjoying the relaxing-ness of summer so I haven't been posting anything from my brain recently.

I'll bet you $100 that when I get back to school and need to distract myself from all the classes I'm taking I'll be back here with my brain randomness!

Rock on!

I'll bet you $100 that when I get back to school and need to distract myself from all the classes I'm taking I'll be back here with my brain randomness!
Rock on!
Friday, July 19, 2013
Gotta Love Books!
#VoteDimitri in the YA Crush tourny! I really want his POV chapter! I can't stand how much I love books! And if it had been Dimitri Vs Daemon (like it was before) I wouldn't have voted like before. AND if it had been Dimitri vs a Mortal Instruments person instead of an Infernal Devices person, i wouldn't have voted either. BUT IT'S NOT so I'm voting DIMITRI!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
Final Stargate Video (I think...)
I had been planning to use this video as my submission for the contest but literally like two nights before sending it in, I made a different one and it rocked so I took a few of these clips and added them to that cool video that I did end up sending and this is now in my "junk" pile I guess. So if you care, you can watch it. if not... that's okay too!
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
My Book Boyfriend (As imaginary as a real one)
Oh my lanta, it's the YA Crush tournament again! Last year I was all gung-ho for Team Dimitri but this tournament brought a whole new world of books to my shelves. I was introduced to a few of my favorite series that I hadn't heard of before. Let's name a few! Hex Hall, Covenant Series, and the list goes on but let's stick the my favorite, and the LUX series! <3 Now I'm #TeamDaemon all the way! I mean, if it was the two of them (Dimitri/Daemon) I don't even know if I would vote... okay I would but still. SO, that was my fangirling moment since I saw this picture and was like "WOAH I LOVE THEM AND I HAVEN'T POSTED ON MY BLOG IN FOREVER" and I just decided to post this random rant about these awesome books. Okay... I'll leave you alone now! BYE I'M GOING TO GO READ!
Monday, June 10, 2013
Addicted to Candy...Crush
I am against playing facebook games because every time i play one i get very addicted... like farmville, yoville, bejewled, dragon city, bubble witch and the list goes on... so when people say, "GO PLAY CANDY CRUSH SAGA" I was like "NO" but i succumbed today and it has been 12 hours since i started (with breaks, not twelve hours continuously, jeesh!) and I am on lv 32. Not too shabby I'd say! But alas, I am addicted and that was what I wanted to avoid, which I didn't. So my sugar rush is gone for the night and I am about to crash and burn from that sweet high! (So poetic! HA!) Okay, goodnight now and then good morning five lives on CANDY CRUSH SAGA!! <3
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Stargate Videos Made by ME!
These were made for a contest but I decided not to use these so now I put them on Youtube so they wouldnt go to waste! TA-DA
Vala Mal Doran Tribute Video-
(This is the only one I could figure out how to embed so if you want to watch the others, follow the links!) <3
Jack & Sam: The Riddle-
Jack & Sam: Need You Now-
Jack & Sam: Safe & Sound -
Vala Mal Doran Tribute Video-
(This is the only one I could figure out how to embed so if you want to watch the others, follow the links!) <3
Jack & Sam: The Riddle-
Jack & Sam: Need You Now-
Jack & Sam: Safe & Sound -
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Laziness is my name-o!
I once had this notion that I was going to be healthy and exercise, you know, look awesome for the summer. I started exercising. Then I felt like finishing a Pokemon game I never beat. That's when I went on a two week Pokemon rush that I'm just coming off of. Then I started play Zelda on my laptop instead of on a TV. Now, I sit around all day beating one game in two days and now I'm on another. All this happens while eating junkfood because real food takes too long to cook. I haven't read/finished a book in forever, I haven't even written my book in forever, I barely listen to music that isn't video game related too! Could I be any farther from my goals? Could this be the definition of laziness? Yes.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Video Game RUSH!!!
I decided to replay The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time for like... the 20th time. Normally, I play it with my sister and we switch the remote back and forth. Then Zelda 3DS came out and that was my first time beating it all the way through alone. That took me about a month to beat. I JUST beat the game in 2 1/2 days! DAYS I SAY!!! Of course that left little social life, but hey! I feel great now!
Next up is Majora's Mask! My sister and I bought it when if first came out and only beat it... oh... last year. We didn't do so well. My new challenge is to beat that thing all the way through (so pretty much everything in the game) in under 13 years. I know... pressing time limit there. But now you know my goals! Excuse me while I go get some much needed rest!
Next up is Majora's Mask! My sister and I bought it when if first came out and only beat it... oh... last year. We didn't do so well. My new challenge is to beat that thing all the way through (so pretty much everything in the game) in under 13 years. I know... pressing time limit there. But now you know my goals! Excuse me while I go get some much needed rest!
Monday, May 20, 2013
Final final finally!!!!
That was finally the end of my finals!! Now that means summer! Also it means time to send away my precious! I mean my laptop
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Video Monster!
I can NOT stop making fan videos about Stargate!! When I put them on YouTube I will post the links!!!!!!
My Broken Lappitop
My laptop is my life, especially since it has everything I've ever written on it. I have adopted the same attitude some people have about cars, they name cars and call them "she" or Peg, as my sister once named her car. My laptop (though when speaking to people it is an "it") is a boy, his name is Lappitop. It's a machine that if I drop it dies so that kind of puts it into the same category as "fragile glass" and "babies".
I have only had one laptop die on me and that was old age and this one is getting up there (in laptop years). He's broken again and despite all I have tried to do (I have kept him in excellent health all on my own with updates, maintenance and virus control!) alas, I have come to something that even GeekSquad couldn't figure out without an in-depth diagnostic. That means, in two weeks, when I am officially done writing papers, Lappitop will go to the laptop hospital. I haven't been so sad (for a non tragic reason) since I ripped my blanket (BY ACCIDENT).
This might be my last post on my laptop until I move to my iPad, which I got because of how long my last computer was in the laptop hospital (2 months people, it was a LONG time and they never gave him back to me! HE DIED IN THE LAPTOP HOSPITAL). I guess you can tell I'm sad and a little skeptical about sending my dearest away. I'd say he has one more year on him! I intend to let him live it out! It's sad. I'm sad.
I have only had one laptop die on me and that was old age and this one is getting up there (in laptop years). He's broken again and despite all I have tried to do (I have kept him in excellent health all on my own with updates, maintenance and virus control!) alas, I have come to something that even GeekSquad couldn't figure out without an in-depth diagnostic. That means, in two weeks, when I am officially done writing papers, Lappitop will go to the laptop hospital. I haven't been so sad (for a non tragic reason) since I ripped my blanket (BY ACCIDENT).
This might be my last post on my laptop until I move to my iPad, which I got because of how long my last computer was in the laptop hospital (2 months people, it was a LONG time and they never gave him back to me! HE DIED IN THE LAPTOP HOSPITAL). I guess you can tell I'm sad and a little skeptical about sending my dearest away. I'd say he has one more year on him! I intend to let him live it out! It's sad. I'm sad.

Thursday, May 2, 2013
OH And also, this link describes my life to a T!!!!
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Slam the Brakes... slowly
So... this is it. It's my last month-ish of my first semester! I think it went pretty well! Last day of most classes is May 9, the others end on the next Monday, then a placement test for math (AHHHH), then finals, then a week off, then my last final!!!!!!!! Well, until then don't expect to hear from me until then unless something exciting happens. I have a pile of papers and tests to do/study for, then I have more stuff to study for, then some more to study for. Oh yeah and I have papers to grade which I still haven't done, AND I have a life to live as well. But I am switching driving schools so I can actually get driving lessons that aren't a month and a half apart from each other so I can acquire that wretched licence and finally be 'free to move about the country'! HAHA. I'm getting there!!
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Buried under Paper
School is coming to an end... thank god... but of course, this is "Bury your students with last minute papers even though there is still a few weeks left" time and I'm ready to explode. PLUS I have to come up with assignments for my own students and I am not as focused on them as I am on myself. Is that bad for someone who's almost 20? Should I be focusing more on others? NO! That's right! NO! I should focus on this school work. This post is honestly just a procrastination tool. I should be writing these essays... but I'm here instead. OOPS! Okay. I'm going to go be productive. BYE!
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Patriots Day Patriots
Patriots Day in Maine and Massachusetts was yesterday April 15, 2013. Most places in the US don't celebrate it but it commemorates the Battle of Lexington and Concord, the first battle of the Revolutionary War on April 19, 1775. In Boston, the annual Boston Marathon is held.
Yesterday, some idiot(s) decided to set two bombs off during a fun, family event where there would be a significant sized crowd. This jerk(s) killed 3 people and injured at least 150. One news station said one of the deaths was an 8 year old! Sickening. This is one of the most depressing things I've heard in a long time. Sitting safely on the couch in my living room watching the destruction on television, I wanted to cry. No one deserves that. I wish there was some way to help, but I was not near Boston and couldn't donate blood or help the injured. All I could do was watch. I was all over the internet checking on friends and family I had in Boston, making sure they were all okay. It was so relieving every time I saw that they weren't near the bombs.
It was a horrible event that one or some people orchestrated, but it was truly amazing to see the ordinary civilians running out of the crowd and toward the explosions to help in whatever way they could. That is so commendable. Boston is a strong city. I had to say this, even if it's something everyone already knows or won't read. I'm proud to be a New Englander! <3

Yesterday, some idiot(s) decided to set two bombs off during a fun, family event where there would be a significant sized crowd. This jerk(s) killed 3 people and injured at least 150. One news station said one of the deaths was an 8 year old! Sickening. This is one of the most depressing things I've heard in a long time. Sitting safely on the couch in my living room watching the destruction on television, I wanted to cry. No one deserves that. I wish there was some way to help, but I was not near Boston and couldn't donate blood or help the injured. All I could do was watch. I was all over the internet checking on friends and family I had in Boston, making sure they were all okay. It was so relieving every time I saw that they weren't near the bombs.
It was a horrible event that one or some people orchestrated, but it was truly amazing to see the ordinary civilians running out of the crowd and toward the explosions to help in whatever way they could. That is so commendable. Boston is a strong city. I had to say this, even if it's something everyone already knows or won't read. I'm proud to be a New Englander! <3

Monday, April 15, 2013
Friday, April 12, 2013
MY GIFTS!! (I'm so in love with my gifts this year!! <3)

$30 to


$30 to

Thursday, April 11, 2013
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
It's almost here! T- 27 hours and 46minutes until my BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(I think that time is right...)
Better get that cake ready!
(I think that time is right...)
Better get that cake ready!
Sunday, April 7, 2013
My Spideyman
I used to LOVE the Tobey Maguire Spiderman movies... until I saw the Andrew Garfield one... now I can't stop watching it! I finally got my dad to watch it and he said it was "very good" and that's a great compliment coming from him about a movie!!!!!!! I say Andrew Garfield. If anyone who might actually read this feels like offering their opinion... go for it!

Monday, April 1, 2013
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