Wednesday, June 26, 2013

My Book Boyfriend (As imaginary as a real one)

Oh my lanta, it's the YA Crush tournament again! Last year I was all gung-ho for Team Dimitri but this tournament brought a whole new world of books to my shelves. I was introduced to a few of my favorite series that I hadn't heard of before. Let's name a few! Hex Hall, Covenant Series, and the list goes on but let's stick the my favorite, and the LUX series! <3  Now I'm #TeamDaemon all the way! I mean, if it was the two of them (Dimitri/Daemon) I don't even know if I would vote... okay I would but still. SO, that was my fangirling moment since I saw this picture and  was like "WOAH I LOVE THEM AND I HAVEN'T POSTED ON MY BLOG IN FOREVER" and I just decided to post this random rant about these awesome books. Okay... I'll leave you alone now! BYE I'M GOING TO GO READ!

Monday, June 10, 2013

Addicted to Candy...Crush

I am against playing facebook games because every time i play one i get very addicted... like farmville, yoville, bejewled, dragon city, bubble witch and the list goes on... so when people say, "GO PLAY CANDY CRUSH SAGA" I was like "NO" but i succumbed today and it has been 12 hours since i started (with breaks, not twelve hours continuously, jeesh!) and I am on lv 32. Not too shabby I'd say! But alas, I am addicted and that was what I wanted to avoid, which I didn't. So my sugar rush is gone for the night and I am about to crash and burn from that sweet high! (So poetic! HA!) Okay, goodnight now and then good morning five lives on CANDY CRUSH SAGA!! <3

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Stargate Videos Made by ME!

These were made for a contest but I decided not to use these so now I put them on Youtube so they wouldnt go to waste! TA-DA

Vala Mal Doran Tribute Video-

(This is the only one I could figure out how to embed so if you want to watch the others, follow the links!) <3

Jack & Sam: The Riddle-
Jack & Sam: Need You Now-
Jack & Sam: Safe & Sound -